A draft handbook has been developed to assist the reeves of Lochac in their work.

At this stage the handbook is open for comment – please direct all commentary to the Lochoc Chancellor of the Exchequer at exchequer@lochac.sca.org.

Although this is still in draft, it has been developed based on directives and guidance from the Lochac Exchequer, SCA Ltd. Board of Directors, and SCANZ Committee. As such the information in the draft should be treated as guidance to Reeves for performing duties. If you have any questions around using the handbook, don’t be afraid to contact the Exchequer at the email linked above.

A live-doc of the handbook can be found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/14vfUHIHc-j_pw5sXuIXO5OIFH1dPSRhKnIzImUF6mA0. In-document commenting is currently disabled, please direct comments to the Exchequer as detailed above.