The Reeves of Lochac are charged with maintaining the finances and assets of their groups. They are the Chief Financial Officer for their group. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the kingdom officer in charge of the Lochac Reeves. There is a Deputy Chancellor of the Exchequer that resides in the country, Australia or New Zealand, that the Chancellor of the Exchequer doesn’t reside.
Reeves like all officers must be current SCA members, if their membership lapses so does their status as an officer. They should also have access to reliable internet to access things like Dropbox and Xero (Australia Only). The Reeves are also approvers for their group’s (branches) bank account.
You can contact the Lochac Exchequer (Master Nicodemus Novello) via
You can contact the Deputy Exchequer for New Zealand (Master Richard D’Allier) via NZ